How creative
industries are


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Against the backdrop of a futuristic Milan in continuous contact with historical and past elements, last 13 September 2023 took place, at Riccardo Catella Foundation the second edition of IMAGINARIUM, a debate meeting which explored the role of the creative industries within the current environmental scenario.

Acqua Foundation, a philanthropic organization for global water conservation and governance, and LVRSustainable, sustainability section of the luxury market e-commerce platform LuisaViaRoma, were the promoters of this event with the aim of raising public awareness on the controversial topic of sustainability, promoting good responsible practices.

The thematic tables, thanks to the participation and testimony of exceptional guests, focused their attention on topics related to fashion, diversity & inclusion, art and design giving rise to interesting food for thought.


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Gabriele Bonfiglioli
President of Acqua Foundation
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Luisa Panconesi
Chief Sustainability Officer LuisaViaRoma
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Giulio Boccaletti
Honorary Research Associate at the Smith School of Enterprise University of Oxford
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Carlo Capasa
President of the National Chamber of Italian Fashion
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Fernanda Hernandez
Head of Sustainability of LuisaViaRoma
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Franco Loro Piana
Sease CEO
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Andrea Baldo
Ganni CEO
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Mario Borroi
Citizens of Humanity COO
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Kulsum Shadab Wahab
Executive Director at Hothur Foundation, Founder Ara Lumiere
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Blandina Bobson
Director of Oxfam's women's rights programs in Kenya
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Michele De Lucchi
Architect and Founder of AMDL CIRCLE
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Kelly Russell Catella
Managing Director Riccardo Catella Foundation
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Stefano Belingardi Clusoni
Architect and Founder of BE.ST
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Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Founder and President of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation
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For the 2023 edition we hosted works by Davide Quayola, with a series of works from Storms, a series of photographs on the ground floor and a video on the upper floor of the Catella Foundation.

Quayola uses technology as a lens to explore the tensions and balances between seemingly opposing forces: the real and the artificial, the figurative and the abstract, the old and the new.

Constructing immersive installations, often in historically significant architectural sites, the artist engages with and reimagines canonical images through contemporary technology. Hellenistic sculpture, Old Master painting, and Baroque architecture are some of the historical aesthetics that serve as a starting point for Quayola's abstract compositions.

His varied practice, all stemming from custom computer software, also includes audiovisual performances, videos, sculptures and works on paper.









Acqua Foundation is a non-profit philanthropic association that deals with water conservation and its governance at a global level. 

The association wants to develop over time a network aimed at financing strategic projects on an international scale to increase awareness on the topic of water resources. Our goal is to inform the community about the importance of water as a fundamental resource to be safeguarded. 

To do this within our program: ART FOR WATER. We believe that art is the most powerful tool to spread our message and can influence public opinion in a strong and effective way. 

To this end, the association collaborates with major international and Italian artists to raise public awareness on the topic of its mission.

LVRSUSTAINABLE by Luisaviaroma


LVRSustainable is the section of LuisaViaRoma that offers a careful selection of items and brands

sustainable, promoting special collaborations with non-profit bodies, organizations and brands to benefit social and environmental causes. 


LVRSustainable wants to create a community attentive to the theme of sustainability, promoting conscious fashion based on various criteria: organic, vegan, fair trade, low impact, female empowerment, community commitment, recycling & upcycling, luxury craftsmanship.


Scroll for the 2022 edition of Imaginarium

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Acqua Foundation and LVRSustainable by LUISAVIAROMA launch the second meeting of:
IMAGINARIUM – How the creative industries are rethinking sustainability
a conference involving representatives of the creative industries and an exhibition of an international artist.

The current and evident inability to put an end to the environmental and climate crisis or at least try to keep it under control is one of the biggest collective problems relating to the scenario we face. Humanity has never faced a more complex, ambitious and far-reaching challenge than halting the collapse of our ecosystem and stabilizing the climate.

In this context, both in terms of impact and the resonance they have in public opinion, the Creative Industries can play a fundamental role in identifying long-term sustainable solutions and contributing to directing individual behaviour.

The Creative Industries in Italy today represent an annual turnover of over 200 billion euros and approximately 2 million employees. They are sectors with high added value and strategic for the country's competitiveness, with the opportunity to create a system and lead a renewal and a change of cultural paradigm at a national and European level for a sustainable transformation of the industry. In a general context that has seen a succession of emergencies, the ecological transition represents a response to reposition and regain a leadership position that allows for long-term, lasting growth.


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Gabriele Bonfiglioli
President of Acqua Foundation
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Alessandra Rossi
CEO LuisaViaRoma
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Francesco Perrini
Director of the Sustainability Lab and President of the Bocconi Sustainability Committee
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Stefano Boeri
Studio Boeri and President of
Milan Triennial
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Fabio November
Studio Novembre
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Kelly Russell Catella
Head of Sustainability and
Communication Coima
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Carlo Capasa
President of the Chamber of Fashion
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Andrea Rosso
MYAR Founder & Diesel Sustainability Ambassador
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Fernanda Hernandez
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Luca Travaglini
Founder Planet Farm
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Davide Bollati
Chairman Davines Group
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Valentina Cerolini
Co-founder & CEO Deesup
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Noah Stolz
Curator, Head of The Stella Maris Archive
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Andrea Conte
Visual Artist and Environmental Engineer Ph.D. Owner at Climate Art Project and Andreco Studio
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Anja Leuenberg
Model, Founder Wild Plant Food



In the 2022 edition we created an exhibition in collaboration with the contemporary art curator Noah Stolz which concerned a  artistic project on sustainability, with site-specific installations by artist Marion Baruch, whose works are made from waste threads and fabrics recovered from fashion ateliers. Marion Baruch's intervention included artistic installations in the internal spaces of the Catella Foundation. Works that give life back to something that would be lost and that represents a link with a "brand" that Baruch had invented some time ago, when she signed herself with the pseudonym "Name Diffusion", to underline the importance of fashion and art to a relational and social point of view, and not a commercial one. 

Marion Baruch (BIO)

Born in 1929 in Romania, she currently lives and works in Italy. It offers feminine, socially engaged and daring work that constantly aims to question its own status by exploring infinitely new dimensions sometimes found on the fringes of the art scene through the use of performances, installations and sculptures characterized by anti-establishment political and poetic positions . His recent work pursues this dialectical research between art and society. Using leftovers from the textile industry, these fabric sculptures introduce a dialogue between two immaterial forces: space and memory. Dialogue as a form of creation; waste as a potential object; emptiness as a form of the possible and mediation as an act of creation are some of the rules of the game that Marion Baruch has always faithfully observed. In this way the artist addresses issues related to the body, the productive world and the consumption of resources.






